Find that Case@Flinders

This is a database of commonly used case abbreviations.

To find a case, browse the list below for the abbreviation from the case citation - not the party names.

e.g. Mabo v Queensland (No. 2) (1992) 175 CLR 1

The result will link you directly to the online judgment (when available) or point you to the relevant section of the Law Library where you can find the report series in print.

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The fine print

Find that Case@Flinders includes abbreviations of law report series held at Flinders University, both in print in the Law Library and online on major subscription databases (Lexis Advance, Westlaw AU, CCH IntelliConnect, ICLR Online and Westlaw). It also contains key medium neutral citations from AustLII and WorldLII.

If you do not have the full citation for a case, search CaseBase or FirstPoint first.